Lydney Skiff Project Constitution (2016)
- The Club shall be known as Lydney Skiff Project, hereinafter known as the Project.
- The Area Of Benefit will be predominantly the Forest of Dean area.
- The Project will be administered in line with the Constitution and associated policies and procedures.
- The aim of the Project is to promote and develop coastal rowing at Lydney.
- This will be done by providing the opportunity for community skiff-building and rowing on the canal, on the river Severn and further afield as opportunities arise.
- To further this aim the Committee shall have power to:
- hold a bank account and the means of transacting the business of the Project
- obtain, collect and receive money or funds by way of contributions, donations, grants, membership fee and any other lawful method towards the aim of the Project
- involve volunteers and Project members as appropriate
- develop and adopt a portfolio of appropriate policies, procedures and role descriptions
- collaborate with local authorities, voluntary organisations, relevant clubs and others to
carry out the aim of the Project - take out insurance as required for the activities of the Project
- buy, take on or lease or in exchange any property as required
- sell, lease or dispose of any property as required
- appoint sub-committees or advisory committees as necessary
- collect and disseminate information
- add membership and subscription classes
- do all such lawful things as will further the aim of the Project.
- Members are those who have paid their membership subscription and been accepted into membership as per the membership policy.
- Membership of the Project shall be open on a non-discriminatory basis to anyone interested in the sport of rowing or skiff-building. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
- The Project will have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Project will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating. Membership classes and subscription rates will at the AGM and published as per the membership policy.
- Applicants for membership, and members renewing their membership, will abide by the rules and regulations and policies of the Project and the sport of rowing as decreed by the governing bodies we affiliate with, which will be decided by the Committee.
- The Project Committee retains absolute discretion to refuse or remove membership. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the Committee in accordance with the appeal procedure.
- The rates of subscription shall be determined by the members in a General Meeting and shall be due on admission to membership and, thereafter, on or before the date decided upon.
- Only members entitled to vote are eligible to hold office.
- The Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Club as a whole and shall consist of a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and other Officers as deemed necessary, together with up to three ordinary members.
- The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to two further members and advisors but co-opted advisors shall have no right to vote at Committee meetings.
- Nominations for the position of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and other Officers shall be put forward in the form of a motion prior to the AGM.
- The Committee shall have the power to elect a Vice-chair from among its number.
- The term of office shall be for one year, and members shall be eligible for re-election.
- A quorum shall consist of no fewer than four voting members and over 50% is needed for a vote to be carried.
- The Committee shall meet at regular intervals during the year, as required by the business to be transacted, but not less than quarterly.
- The Committee is responsible for the general conduct of the Project’s business and activities.
- Special meetings of the Committee shall be called by the Secretary on instructions of no fewer than three Committee members.
- In the case of casual vacancy among the Committee, the said Committee shall be entitled to co-opt another eligible person to act until the next AGM.
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held within six months of the accounting year end, following the instructions laid down in the general meetings policy as determined by the Committee.
- No less than 21 days clear notice shall be given, specifying to all members the time, venue and business of a Extraordinary General Meeting. At least two months notice of the date of the Annual General Meeting should be given and notice of the venue and business of the meeting at least 21 days prior to the AGM should be given.
- Motions for discussion at Annual General Meetings solely regarding the Constitution, not of origin from within the Committee, shall be lodged with the Secretary at least 30 days preceding the AGM, and be signed by two members entitled to vote.
- At any General Meeting, a resolution put to the vote of the Meeting shall be decided by a show of hands of those entitled to vote. A decision is carried when over 60% of those voting are in favour of the motion.
- At all General Meetings the Chair will preside or, in his/her absence, a Chair for the meeting will be elected by the voting members present.
- The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Project. The Committee shall ensure that adequate and appropriate insurance is in place to cover all the activities of the Project, its Committee and members.
- The Officers and Committee have primary responsibility for safe practice within the Club and will review the safety policy not less than three-monthly.
- Members will be able to vote as per the voting policy decided by the Committee.
- This Constitution shall not be altered, amended or rescinded except by an Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting of the Project.
- A resolution to give effect to a change must be passed by at least 60% of the members present at the EGM or AGM.
- Finances will be managed and the accounts reviewed according to the finance and audit policy determined by the Committee.
- The Project shall not terminate except by a resolution of an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose or at an AGM.
- If Lydney Skiff Project is terminated or dissolved, any assets remaining after the payment of all bills would transfer to other groups with similar aims as decided by Project members at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Money will not be transferred to individual Project members.
- Any matter not provided for in this Constitution, or any question over the interpretation of it, shall be dealt with by the Committee, whose decision shall be final.
Name Clive Osborne Date 24/5/16
Name Stephanie Ovens Date 24/5/16
Name Steve Bowles Date 24/5/16
Committee members